Beauty Bares All Tag

Hello rays of sunshine,
Time to bring back Tag Tuesday. I really enjoy doing these. Some may say tags take minimal effort, and are the “easy way out,” but I put time and thought in my responses. As I’ve said before I think tags are a great way to get to know fellow bloggers. I got the idea for this tag from The Life of Kristyn. Go check out her blog. I love it. It is amazing, and she posts frequently!
Now on to the tag.


1. Spring, summer, winter, or fall? 

Fall. Definitely. My body does not do well in the extreme cold or extreme heat. Too cold, my fingers start to swell and look like fat sausages. Too hot, I feel faint and sick. Spring is nice too, but I like the clothing for fall better!

2. What does your ideal date notice and compliment you on? 

Hmm. I have been with the BF for almost 4 years now, so this is a tough one. It always something different. Sometimes my hair. Sometimes my eyes. Sometimes my outfit. At this point sometimes no words are needed to show our appreciation for each other. A simple smile is enough.

3. Would you rather give up lipstick, hair products, or mascara for an entire year?

100% hair products! I will not leave the house without at least one flick of mascara on the ends of my lashes, so that was out, and I wear lipstick/lip products a lot. My hair is naturally fine and straight, so it pretty much just straightens itself. I will use a heat protector if I blow-dry my hair though.

4. If you could leave just one message for the world to hear, what would that message be? 

Spread the love. It is so easy for people to hate and so hard for people to love. It’s such a hippie saying, but I really believe in it. I try to surround myself with positive people, and in turn it makes me a much more positive person. It’s as easy as complimenting someone on a success, no matter how big or how small. Or, just complimenting someone in general. My example of this is a lady that I walk by everyday to work in DC. There is a newspaper called “Street Style,” and it is sold by homeless people around DC. There is one lady in particular who always has the best attitude in the morning despite her circumstances. One day I decided to pay the $2 donation and get the paper. I told her that she always puts a smile on my face and she immediately pulled me in for a huge hug. It felt so good to brighten her day like she brightens mine.

5. A genie appears and offers you a wish. What one beauty task would you never perform again?

Is taking my make-up off an acceptable answer? I’m one of the bad people who often forgets to wipe away the remnants of today’s make-up. Luckily, no face-demons appear, but I know it is still awful for my skin. It would make my bedtime routine worry-free.

6. You have two options: money or happiness? Additionally: infinite wardrobe or a flawless face?

Oh geez. Why would you do this to me? I know the saying goes, “Money can’t buy happiness,” but have you seen my bank account and student loans? At the minute I would say money. I have the huge burden of student debt. Although everything else in my life is going great, I feel like I won’t truly be happy until at least one of my loans has been paid off. Sounds silly, but it keeps me from doing certain things I want to do.

7. Are you a tea lover, a coffee hound, or a fan of something stronger? 

Both? I really just need a caffeine IV.

8. Have you had a “perfect day”, and what did it entail? 

Yes! Last Thanksgiving I took a trip with my BF to visit one of our really good friends who was stationed in Mississippi at the time. It was the first time any of us had hosted a Thanksgiving dinner, and none of us are Top Chef material. We ended up playing drunk kitchen for a bit, and just rolled with the punches. Don’t have anything to mash potatoes with? Use your hands. Don’t have this ingredient? We’ll just use another. It was just so much fun getting to hangout with the two of them, and relax. We can spend hours sitting around doing nothing, Oh! And SuperSmash Bros for the WiiU was involved. That’s always a good time.

9. What do you splurge on the most?

Shoes and purses. Although I still almost never pay full price for those. I’m so cheap. *cringe*

10. I have not lived until I’ve seen _____! 

The world. I have only been out of the United States once in my life. That trip was to Costa Rica and it was the best trip of my life. I can’t wait to explore more…once those pesky loans are gone.

Thanks for reading. I challenge anyone to this tag. It was a fun one. I really had to think about some of them.

Much Love


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